Collection via a Healthcare-Integrated Biobank Service
Uppsala Biobank, in collaboration with the Department of Clinical Chemistry and Pharmacology (KKF), has established a method to collect samples through an integrated healthcare biobank service. The practical sample handling for research biobank samples collected in this manner is described below.
Integrated healthcare biobanking of fluid-based samples is a comprehensive infrastructure adapted for various projects. Our hospital-integrated biobank service utilizes existing infrastructure. It is a secure, efficient, and resource-saving method for collection, storage, and fulfills the requirements of the biobank law regarding traceability.
When research samples are collected through the integrated healthcare biobank service, it is possible to order samples to be biobanked directly in the Cosmic journal system, i.e., the same routine as for the analysis of clinical samples. Biobank samples for research can be taken during sample collection for clinical purposes for later analysis.
Labels are printed for marking samples sent to KKF, where they are handled according to the regular procedure. At KKF, samples are automatically sorted for biobanking based on the sample type. For instance, whole blood is sorted for immediate freezing, while sample types resulting in plasma or serum are aliquoted into smaller volumes using a liquid handling robot.
Serum and plasma samples are generally centrifuged for 7 minutes at 2400g, with the exception of citrate plasma, which is centrifuged for 20 minutes.
In the liquid handling robot, each primary sample is distributed to 2D-coded microtubes in a 96 SBS plate. Each primary sample can result in up to 8 aliquots, each with a volume of 225 µl.
Samples are handled within 2-4 hours after collection by KKF, provided they have arrived at the laboratory. They are frozen and stored long-term in low-temperature freezers in Uppsala Biobank's storage facility.
Information about the sample is automatically stored in Uppsala Biobank's Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), ensuring complete traceability.
Advantages of integrated healthcare biobanking
- Suitable for most research projects and currently adapted for fluid-based samples in standardized formats such as whole blood, plasma, serum, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid.
- Personnel-independent as collection occurs through routine healthcare and is handled by existing staff at KKF and Uppsala Biobank.
- Available 24/7, allowing for the inclusion of urgent cases and sample collection during evenings.
- Compliance with traceability, security, and donor privacy requirements through Uppsala Biobank's IT system LIMS (Laboratory Information and Management System).
- Samples are stored in locked facilities with controlled access in freezers connected to the county service alarm central.
- Researchers do not need additional staff for sample handling or their own storage facilities, resulting in cost savings.
If you are interested in using our integrated healthcare biobank service, contact well in advance to start planning your study.
- We can also offer other sample handling solutions, so contact us for advice on the solution that suits your project.