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Who to Contact

Biobank application or questions about biobank services

Contact us if you have questions about the biobank application to Uppsala Biobank, biobanking, or sample handling. Common questions include the biobank application, how to start a new study, ethical applications, sample storage, and biobank law. When planning a new study involving samples, we recommend that you contact us as early as possible, preferably before the ethical application is completed. Please reach out primarily through the email addresses below.

Email for inquiries:

Email for biobank application processing:

Phone numbers:
Regulatory questions: 018-611 63 21 Operational questions: 018-611 65 04

Internal mail address:
Uppsala Biobank/DagH38

Postal and visiting address:
Uppsala Biobank
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 38, 5th floor
Uppsala Science Park, Hubben
751 85 Uppsala

Multicenter studies

Contact the Regional Biobank Center (RBC) Central Sweden regarding questions and processing procedures for multicenter studies. Starting July 1, 2023, the multicenter application (N1) will be removed, and only changes to existing multicenter agreements can be made (N2). For collection at multiple sites, the same application is used as for single-center studies (L1.1).


RBC Central Sweden

Postal address:
Regional Biobank Center
Akademiska Sjukhuset
Dag Hammarskjölds väg 54A
751 85 Uppsala

IT system support

Feel free to contact Uppsala Biobank with questions about our systems and IT support. Common questions include the introduction of IT support for sample collections, LIMS reports, data linking, etc.


Laboratory services

Uppsala Biobank is (since the fall of 2021) a central facility, along with Uppsala Biolab (formerly UCR Laboratory). Uppsala Biolab is an analytical laboratory that primarily performs biomarker analyses for researchers and companies in a clinical environment. In addition to analysis, the laboratory can assist with laboratory-related advice, method development, verification, reformatting, and sample management, among other things.



Deposition and retrieval of samples

Whether it's delivering physical samples to Uppsala Biobank or retrieving samples from Uppsala Biobank, it's always best to contact us first so that we can prepare the handling together with Uppsala Biolab.



  • Mail: info@uppsalabiobank.uu.se

Visit us

Dag Hammarskjölds väg 38, 5 tr
Uppsala Science Park, Hubben
751 85 Uppsala

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